Point of Situation Regarding the Portuguese Government Prerogatives
Since March 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its many challenges, the Portuguese Government has adopted several measures to prevent spreading and, at the same time, support families and companies from both economic and social standpoints.
The quick evolution of the disease requires frequent updates to the legal standings that have been approved since March 2020, in order to keep them pertinent to the current situation.
Measures for Continental Portugal
State of Contingency - September 30th to October 14th
Service Areas and Gas Stations are forbidden from selling alcoholic drinks;
Supermarkets are forbidden from selling alcoholic drinks after 8 pm;
Restaurants are forbidden from selling alcoholic drinks for takeaway or home delivery;
The consumption of alcoholic drinks in the exterior area of restaurant establishments is forbidden after 8 pm (except if part of a meal).
Commercial establishments cannot open before 10 am (except coffee shops, pastry shops, hairdressers and gyms);
Establishments must close between 8 pm and 11 pm, following the respective municipal decision;
Gatherings limited:
to 10 people in the access, circulation or permanency in the public highway, except if they belong to the same household;
to 4 people per group, except if they belong to the same household, in the food courts of shopping centres, restaurants, coffee shops and pastry shops whenever they are 300m away from schools.
In commercial establishments, maintain a maximum of 1 person per 32m2.
Implementation of mirror teams, alternating between remote and physical work.
Mandatory implementation of staggered work schedules (for checking in and out of work, for breaks and meals).
Creation of district teams for quick intervention in order to contain and stabilise outbreaks in households;
Reinforcement of the operational activity of the security forces and rescue services.
Disobedience and resistance to the orders of competent entities constitute a crime and are sanctioned under the terms of criminal law.
The non-compliance with the rules will be considered a crime of disobedience and the punishment includes:
Application of a fine, which can range from 100 to 500 euros for individuals and from 1,000 to 5,000 euros for collective legal entities.
How to proceed in the event of showing symptoms and/or having been in close proximity of a confirmed case of COVID-19?
If you have symptoms, you should:
Call SNS 24 (official contact centre for Portugal’s National Health Service) - 808 24 24 24 - and proceed with one of the following options:
Dial 1 - if you have a fever (body temperature ≥ 38.0ºC) and / or cough - and carefully follow the instructions provided;
Dial 2 - if you have symptoms other than fever and / or cough - and carefully follow the instructions provided.
If you do not have symptoms but have been in close proximity of a confirmed case, you should:
call SNS 24 (official contact centre for Portugal’s National Health Service) - 808 24 24 24 - and proceed with the following option:
Dial 0 – if you do not show any symptoms but have been in contact with a confirmed case or with someone that is currently being tested for COVID-19 - and carefully follow the instructions provided.